Aura Pottery February 2020 Newsletter
January has passed with a blink of an eye. The start of the year has been a roller coaster ride already, but at least we don’t get bored! Take a look at all the happenings at our studio this past month.
Ellen’s Pottery Retreat
It was a treat sharing the studio space with such a positive soul. Ellen joined us from Scotland for a pottery retreat and filled our ambience with not only her creativity, but with her warmth and laughter. Enjoy her journey with all smiles.

Aura Pets
They’re always there to keep us company whether we ask for it or not. Their love can not be interrupted when they demand endless petting. And we can’t ask for any better companions to have. Our fur babies complete us! Enjoy a fun video of our naughty group of doggos!

Fig Leaf Tray Workshop
Our Fig Leaf Tray workshop was a success and we had a blast over the weekend exploring, collaborating and expressing creativity, trying to mimic nature in our own way.

Kyle’s Experience at Aura
Meet Kyle – a psychology major, a learning ceramist, an organic farming enthusiast, an experienced bartender and a foodie who never shares food!
He joined us from England for a month and got to experience the farm life at Aura. He spent his days designing our kitchen garden beds to perfection and making ceramic gifts for his folks back home! His recipe for Sangria was incomparable, which we devoured on Aura Winter Day!

If you’re looking to learn or fine – tune your existing practice in a quiet setting, our pottery farm is the place for you. Sign up for our ongoing pottery retreats here.
Upcoming Workshops
Our workshops are a quick and fun way of creating things for a purpose and getting a feel of clay for first timers. If you’re looking to delve into your creative space and completing a body of work over a weekend, sign up for our upcoming workshops here.

Stay tuned with ongoings at Aura Pottery by following us on social media channels below.