Aura Pottery Sept/Oct 2020 Newsletter
Entering the last quarter of the year without knowing where 2020 has flown by! We hope it’s been a safe journey for everyone and as productive as it can be. We utilized our time by redesigning our Potters Villa, setting up our online shop, designing new products for the shop and spending time in our Organic Kitchen Garden. Take a look at our journey!
Aura Pottery Retreats 2021
Our Potters Villa has been dismantled and newly designed to provide you an excellent stay experience and a productive pottery retreat at Aura Pottery. Bookings for the year 2021 are now open!
Take a look at our pottery retreat program here

Aura Pottery Shop
There’s no end to experimenting in Pottery! We have been working on new shapes and designs and a lot new products have been added to the shop. Here is our lovely shop!

Glaze Test Tile Wall
Putting up glazed test tiles on a wall is a great idea! We now have 2 walls of test- tile display and it is the most convenient way to refer to your glaze palette. Take a look!

Aura OKG
Our goal is to sustain ourselves with our flourishing kitchen garden. It has been delivering us fresh produce for daily consumption and we love it!

Aura Workshops
A creative class is what keeps our spirits going amongst this pandemic. We are loving our Saturday workshops.

Stay tuned with ongoings at Aura Pottery by following us on social media channels